Diva & Lynn

Diva told me to pass this along:  "I want to tell you a bit about myself and how I've gained such wisdom.  I stayed at my birth home until I was two.  There were too many dogs and my human mom had to find a new home for me.  She asked dog trainer extraordinaire, Pam Parker, to find me someone to love and cherish.  Pam also recognized that I could live up to my name, Diva, so she had to find just the right partner for me. 

Pam found out from Dr. Lana that Dr. Lynn would love a "golden girl", so I came to stay with Lynn on a trial basis.  Dr. Lynn is a surgeon and he is accustomed to taking care of children who are asleep.  I was only two and pretty active.  On one of our first dates, Dr. Lynn tied me to a table at Starbucks while he went in for coffee.

I didn't know what was going on, so when there was a loud noise, I took off running down the street. I was more scared when I realized something was chasing me. It was the big round table that I was tied to, but I knew I still had to keep running.

I'll tell you more next Friday!"